5 Ways to Take Care of Your Future Self

Jocelyn Cervantes
5 min readMar 7, 2021

I am always proud of myself for being prepared. But what I love even more is when my past self has my future self’s back. I could find a tampon in my purse from last month or a mini hairbrush after a windy ride, the ultimate releif. Now time to discuss the satisfying long-term ease. It is just a good feeling to know you are doing something now that you will thank yourself for later on.

1. Wear Sunscreen

Sunscreen is vital. Despite what you may believe, it is not exclusive to the beach. If you don’t apply sunscreen daily, we cannot be friends. Application every morning is good, but, ideally one should reapply every three hours. The goal is to shield your skin from harmful UV rays and prevent skin cancer, such as Melanoma. Other benefits include postponing fine lines and wrinkles. It also can brighten your skin over time progressively- evening your complexion. You can browse for your new best friend here: https://www.allure.com/gallery/best-sunscreens-for-summer

2. Tidy Your Closet

This tip is for those who feel our best in a nice outfit. The is a way of life, a mindset, that garuntees you always feel good no matter what you are wearing. This mindset is known as the capsule wardrobe. The idea is to fill your closet with staple pieces and use those items to create multiple outfits. The best part is each piece compliments one another. Every outfit put-together feels like a brand new one. Another upside to this is you can spend more money on fewer clothing pieces. Instead of 7–10 pairs of decent jeans, you can spend more on 3–5 good quality jeans. Same with tops, spend more on tops that work for your figure and skin complexion. You will never feel overwhelmed getting dressed plus-it is good to know you will always look amazing. To learn more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ljf4l6Nuh8Q&t=182s

3. Remember to Relax

Downtime is never a bad idea. Anyone who says otherwise could use some. A good rule of thumb to take a vacation one to two times a year. Perhaps one trip in the summertime and one in the winter. Set aside some money to take any vacation you please. There is nothing to argue here: hard workers deserve a break near or far. You will always have a fun time away from your daily routine. Relaxation will help you unwind as well as destress. You will better your mindset and, it allows time to regroup yourself. In due time you will find you will become a well-rounded person who has experienced what life truly has to offer. Now covid heavily affects traveling but make it a priority to only travel with family or close friends. Remember to respect health precautions and take time to quarantine once you return. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/travelers/travel-during-covid19.html

4. Perfect Your Hygiene Routine

Your hygiene is everything from a shower, taming your breath, and what I like to call grooming. Maintaining cleanliness and appearance is always important. In the shower, it is best to use sulfate-free shampoos with a corresponding conditioner that will nourish and hydrate your ends. Make sure to also look out for great body scrubs for smooth skin. Make a habit of shaving every couple of days. For the closest shave, wash your body, exfoliate the area, and lather with shaving cream, then use three or more blade razors. So, of course, we need to be brushing twice a day and treat ourselves to a gentle toothbrush. Never skip mouthwash (you can find great ones at Target), and as forgetful as it can be, we must floss. For out and about, stock yourself up with gum and mints, maybe even travel-sized toothbrushes and toothpaste. Now hair removal is optional, but you have many options. Hard wax is easy to use, accessible, and offers long-lasting results. It removes hair from the root leaving a clean look. My biggest tip for men and women is to keep your hand and feet always looking polished and maintained.

5. Night Time Cleaning

There comes a certain point where you are just going through the day ready for bed. Keeping your home clean can be overwhelming. Yet, there is always a method to the madness. However, doing the smallest tasks before bed can save you some time the next day. Make a list and jot down simple chores that will tidy your house for the night. It is better to choose tasks that you will appreciate. For example, every night before bed, I leave my sink and dishwasher empty. Everyday items such as shoes, remotes, chargers are all put away. Lastly, I very quickly sweep the kitchen and living room. Saturday mornings are cleaning days, and I set a laundry schedule for myself, so anything else can and will wait.

I hope my tips have given some perspectives and ideas on how to take care of your future self. Sometimes you have to have your own back. Whether its pays off in a week or overtime, you always need to look out for yourself. After all, self-care is the best care.



Jocelyn Cervantes

Teenage writer giving my putting my life into words. Here we’ll talk about personal issues, latest trends, and pop culture.